Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Reflection

Women rights. In the religion of Islam. Something so simple to understand; yet something so easy to have false beliefs about. This is an issue that needs to be regarded. So in trying to make this world a better place, I created a website to attack the most believed misconceptions on Muslim women.

The duration of my research I have learned things that I wasn't even intending to research about. I learned more about the rules and regulations of Islam that support the peaceful life of a Muslim woman, not oppressing their lives at all. The main concept I learned was everything is a choice. Nothing is forced at all, which is a major misconception on the lives of us women. A visual that I thought was an important one was about the hijab the Muslim women wear to cover themselves: Mary, mother of Jesus, I had found, also wore the hijab. I felt this to be a strong visual because it represented modesty, and was able to support my advocation project. I was searching in Google Images for the perfect picture, and this portrait of Mary fitted well.

Coming up with this topic of misconceptions of women in Islam, I first thought, how would I make this an interesting advocation... Then I realized, there are so many ideas that I am able to present and explain to my audience. I started feeling more comfortable with my topic, because while working on this project, I realized I will enjoy presenting my matter.

In my website, I took the top three misconceptions of women in Islam: 1. We are forced to wear a hijab; 2. We have limited rights, and; 3. We have a destination of being a housewife for life. I can understand why people think of Muslim woman in that behavior: the media has an enormous influence on what people believe. I am strongly willing to advocate against the false beliefs on Muslim women in this world. A thought that had come to mind while working on this was, do I sound too serious? Islam is a really tense topic these days, and there is always an atmosphere of awkwardness when Islam is being discussed. I just want everyone to be comfortable with what I say and present. Presenting this topic, I hope that I could change any negative beliefs or thoughts that someone may have, and having created my website, I am proud that I am sending a message throughout the world.


  1. I found this really interesting. I don't know too much about Islam but I'd like to learn more about it.
    You're completely right about the media putting an "evil" facade on Islam and the middle east. Just look at their treatment of Al Jazeera. Honestly. I'd trust news from Al Jazeera more than news in America. Good thing I have CBC and BBC!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I believe that this was a really good topic to choose for this project and i have to agree with you that the media blows things out of proportions. I also did not know of the things you stated in your topic and this helped me get some more insight.

  4. This is a really thoughtful topic, it's clear that it has some clout and significance within your life. Although I'm not Muslim myself, I too have come to despise the ridiculous and malicious assumptions that are ignorantly made about your culture and its people. I don't know much aside from the basics of Muslim beliefs and I look forward to your presentation to further inform me of your culture.

  5. I once thought that the Muslim woman had no choice but to wear a hijab. A muslim friend had also told me that it was a false misconception that many people believe and I'm glad that it is. I'm a huge feminist and I'm really happy to hear that Muslim women are proud of their decisions to wear what they want to wear. My Muslim friend doesn't wear a hijab and she told me its simply because she gets hot with it on constantly.(LOL) Great job on your presentation.
