Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Activity 1


Mona Lisa Picture Tags:





-Well-thought about


6. The logos for AltaVista, Google, and Yahoo all have a standing-out characteristic. They all have bold colors, and are easy to catch eye to.

AltaVista: The logo of this website is red and represents the A and V for AltaVista.

Google: This logo is colorful and is direct to what the website is. It has a fun edgy look to it. It seems like it is for kids.

Yahoo: The logo of this website is red and has a funky font to it. It is looks like “BAM! There’s Yahoo for you.”

The logo that I like most is Google, because it is fun. I like how on special holidays, the logo has a design around it, like on Earth Day, the logo is surrounded by trees and leaves.

Yahoo’s logo is the one that I like least. It is too bold of a logo for me. I don’t hate it; I just don’t prefer that kind of logo. The font of Yahoo is not too much of my taste, either.

13. Three pieces of advice to give about conducting research on the web and trying to assess the validity and credibility of web sites in general:

1) When searching, try and look for content that is full to its’ meaning, not just some blah-blah about the subject being searched about. The website should have its’ resources listed.

2) Have a set of questions ready to search for that you might want to include in your project, some intriguing questions. This will provide more insight into your work. The website will have an author’s name, and more resources if any. Search the author’s name and see if there are more sites under him/her.

3) Keep eyes open for the sources of the website. It will be listed as .edu, .org, .net, .gov or .com. The .edu and .org are educational and supplemental.

Three pieces of advice to give to people trying to assess the validity and credibility of the visual content of web sites:

1) Search for the listing of the site’s sources: this should prove valid.

2) The visuals should have a statement of where it was taken, or by whom it was taken by.

3) Some visuals have logos on them: that’s fine; it shows that it is branded by the producer of the visual. It is credible.

Mini Glossary

Represent (verb): To show an action/idea to an audience with a visual, representing a culture, idea, or behavior.

Design (verb): To produce something that communicates to its’ audience about a project, idea, or action.

Information Architecture: A visual that has a structure showing an idea of building/progressing an action/idea.

Icons: A visual depicting a feeling, idea, or action.

Seeing: To be observing an object or to a distance. It is to perceive, view, and understand.

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