The answer to that is yes. The world can very much live without having to recycle. However, the difference between the recycling and non-recycling worlds is the atmosphere of cleanliness and preservation of the earth’s resources. Without recycling, there would be innumerable material going into waste. Everything would seem to run out more rapidly. In the world today, there is so much recycling going on. Also, there are many people who could add on to the growing number of recycling: YOU!
With recycling come several benefits. Resources are saved, materials become reused, and the atmosphere becomes less endangered. Recycling is not just handing over plastic bottles, paper, aluminum and glass to a recycling center, but it’s saving our world from further pollution.
Nature is greatly affected through recycling. When regular waste and garbage are dumped into landfills, an aroma and scene of scum and helplessness is created. A landfill is an area that cages in all of our garbage. There are many many landfills all over our planet. The garbage becomes a hill, then a mountain of just trash and trash. When I mention nature is affected, I mean the animals, birds, and atmosphere.
In this case of not recycling, nature is hurt. A landfill is open to everything and anything. Birds that fly by and land in a landfill are tempted to look for goodies. Many birds get trapped into plastic bottle separators. In some countries where cows are like pedestrians, landfills are like playgrounds for them. Cows end up grazing around landfills, and end up eating plastic bags like its grass. From the website You Tube is a clip from a documentary film, Recycling, Waste and Its Impact on the Environment, that presented several details on how to make earth a healthier place to live. Also, glass builds up so much because it does not break down compared to paper.
Paper is so important to recycle. Think about how much you throw away in one day: or one week. Now multiple that number by thousands: although you may think, throwing away a couple sheets here and there won’t hurt, it has a huge impact on saving resources. There are many who think that throwing out paper won’t hurt. Imagine if everyone was to recycle every paper meant to be trashed: a great amount of trees would be saved, which adds on to oxygen levels in the atmosphere.
All the junk in the landfills emit methane into the air. There is compost, glass, paper, aluminum, and several other things in landfills. With all the waste and its’ juices, a gas is produced that harms our planet’s ozone layer. This is already dangerous as it is, with pollution and global warming making the ozone layer endangered. Not recycling, believe it or not, adds on to it. An increase in numbers of recycling means a safer ozone layer, and that means to enforce recycling in more areas.
Some states have recycling laws. Where some cities have only trash cans, other cities have recycling bins along with their trash cans. Having recycling bins encourages a person to do more recycling. As opposed to those who have the bins, those who don’t are less encouraged.
I spoke with my brother who lives in
I hope the people of this great planet earth will realize one day that if this world suffers, only mankind is to be blamed. The way we live in our homes and take care of it, this planet is our home and it is up to us to take of it! If everyone puts in the effort to recycle, the negative effects of harming our world will sharply decrease.
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